
Marketing to Nurseries: Everything you need to know

Topics: Education Insights Email Marketing
Jen Murphy
Jen Murphy Copywriter & Sustainability Lead 19 November 2024

So, you’re interested in promoting your products and services nurseries, but how well do you know them?

Marketing to nurseries and early years settings is simple… if you understand them. Knowing the priorities of your chosen education audience and what products and services they purchase is a must for generating high-quality leads – so let’s dive into the nitty gritty of how nurseries operate.

Nurseries are a type of early years education provider supporting children from as a young as a few months old, right up to the age of 5. Typically, nurseries support children aged three to four, in advance of them starting school at 5 years old.

What do they teach?

Are there different types of nurseries?

Image of nursery staff member working with children, within marketing to nurseries blog post.

What purchases do nurseries make?

Start marketing to nurseries